A New Look at Stillness, my #oneword2024


What comes to mind when you hear the word stillness? Does it bring negative thoughts or positive ones? If you ask a child, they would probably think stillness was a punishment, especially if they are busy playing with a favorite toy. For an adult encumbered with various responsibilities or often feeling overwhelmed, stillness might seem like a welcoming friend.

How would you define stillness? Is it the lack of sound or movement? Or, could it also be a stepping back from the daily demands to do something different? My #oneword365 is stillness, and I’m looking for other ways to experience its benefits.


Rhymezone defines stillness as:

  • noun:   calmness without winds
  • noun: (poetic) tranquil silence
  • noun:   a state of no motion or movement

Some synonyms are calmness, serenity, restfulness, tranquility, and peacefulness.


When we see these variations in meanings along with the synonyms, I wonder if we could come up with a broader definition of stillness. It certainly can entail sitting still, observing your surroundings, and listening, but does it mean complete silence or no movement?



I believe we can have a sense of calmness and tranquility without silence and with movement. For instance, when I am sitting on the porch, I am usually in the rocking chair or on the swing. I am not still as I rock or swing gently. Cars go by on the road; the chimes sing as the wind hits them, the birds fly, and the insects buzz. Yet, it all contributes to a kind of stillness that brings peace and tranquility.


Walking in the woods, I find a kind of stillness that isn’t found indoors. I love taking photographs as I walk, especially when the sun filters through the trees, making shadows on the ground. Just yesterday, I took this photo and added a haiku this afternoon.


Sunlight and shadow
Making patterns on the ground
Invite us to play

As the poem suggests, being outdoors invites me to play as I interact with the dogs or enjoy the sun on my face, the grass on my feet, and the breeze blowing my hair. I can visit the rustic fort made with materials from the woods. With my imagination, I can dream up all kinds of adventures. This, too, is a way to find stillness and rest. 

Spending time outdoors gets me away from technology for a while, leaving behind the phones, computers, doorbells, and sounds of appliances doing their jobs. It’s a complete change of scenery that unlocks something inside me. I begin to listen and observe details I may have missed before. My body starts to relax, and the fresh air and sunshine do wonders for my state of mind. Tension seems to melt as I forget about the duties that await.



Whether in the house or outdoors, I can benefit from stillness. Though each environment is different, they both offer a place of solace. Even in a crowd filled with noise and chaos, I can have peace inside. Instead of letting anxiety and fear lead, I can give my burdens to the Lord. No one can take away the inner peace that comes from God alone. When I focus on Him instead of my circumstances, His peace will prevail.

You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you. Trust in the Lord forever, because in the Lord, the Lord himself, is an everlasting rock! Isaiah 16:3-4 (CSB)

Does this mean I am always at peace and never feel anxious or scared? No, of course not. I am only human, but when those thoughts or emotions come, I can face them with the help of God. He has promised to be with me throughout my life. As I remember that He loves me and is always ready to hear my prayers, I ask Him for help, and He always answers. Even when the answer is not what I would have preferred, He gives me peace and asks me to trust. I know that His way is best.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 CSB

What do you think of my expanded definition of stillness? Can you think of other ways to define stillness? How do you pull away to find rest when you are in a season of busyness? Please share any thoughts you have in the comments section. 

I'm linking up with: #TellHisStory, #OneWord2024


  1. Dear Gayl, I love your expanded definitions of stillness. Your descriptions of walking in your woods or sitting on your porch always help me to still my busy thoughts. I'm so glad you are back blogging your encouragement for all of us! Blessings and love dear poet/sister/friend!

    1. Thank you, dear Bettie! You are always such an encouragement to me, and I'm glad to encourage you, too. Blessings and love right back to you my dear friend/poet/sister! xoxo

  2. There is a peace and stillness just reading your words! Love the definition that stillness is calmness without wind - which at first I read calmness without words. MMMM, maybe connected? Anyway lovely post!

    1. Thank you, Jean! Hmm, "calmness without words" sounds like it may very well be connected. Sometimes, there are too many words, so we need silence. Thank you for your thoughts! Glad you found a peace and stillness in reading. Blessings to you!

  3. I think your expanded definition is marvelous, Gayl. Stillness doesn't have to mean total inactivity (our hearts are always beating and lungs are always breathing, after all). This is a deep word; I'm enjoying how you expound its depths.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, dear Lisa! You're right - our hearts are beating and our lungs are breathing. That's certainly not complete stillness. Yes, it's a deeper word than I realized when I chose it. Blessing to you! xo

  4. You have shared beautiful of your experiences with stillness. I have enjoyed stillness while driving. No radio. No one in the car with me. Just stillness while I am yet moving. Stillness is the way we connect with God, perhaps pulling back from the noise of the world. I'm glad you are back to blogging :)

    1. Thank you, Joanne! Yes, when we are still, and pulling away from all the noise, we can connect better with God, and we so desperately need that connection with Him. Blessings to you, Joanne! Have a glorious Resurrection Day!


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