I Couldn't Stay Away

When I ended my blog in February, I didn't realize how much I would miss it. Other social media sites are helpful, but a blog is more of a personal site. Here, I can share photos, poems, and scriptures and participate in the #FiveMinuteFriday weekly challenges. So, for now, I'm back to blogging occasionally, using this free, simple format. I say, simple, but figuring out how to use it and where to put things is proving to be a challenge. 😎 

I thought I'd begin this blog with a  #FiveMinuteFriday post, as I have done with previous blogs. The word prompt for today is dedicate. It certainly takes dedication to persevere when facing difficulties. 

Last Autumn, I published my first book through Chronic Joy Ministries. Talk about dedication! It took months of writing, editing, and more editing, then leaving it in God's hands. With God's help, I persevered through all the challenges and learned much about dedication, patience, and trust.

a recent photo and haiku

Fast forward to the present. I have spent months writing and editing another book. This time, the focus is on hope, which we desperately need. I believe the writing and editing are mostly done, but now I need to dedicate the time to find a publisher or self-publish. 

I have friends who are praying and others who are also checking into a way to publish. It is not for the faint of heart, but I've learned that God's timing is always best. If I try to rush it, I will probably make a big mess, but if I wait and trust the Lord, it will work out. Yes, it all takes dedication and perseverance, but all things are possible with God. 

God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. Psalm 45:1

Life is an adventure when we are following the Lord. He is our help and strength. 

I'm linking up with: #FiveMinuteFriday


  1. Oh I'm so glad to see you back blogging dear Gayl! Your poems and photos are always such an inspiration to me. I'm thankful we can encourage each other to stay dedicated to our Lord's purposes. Hugs & love dear poet/sister/friend!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, dear Bettie! I, too, am glad we can encourage one another in our relationships with our Lord. Hugs and love right back to you my dear poet/sister/friend! xoxo

  2. What a lovely poem and picture, Gayl. Thank you for the reminder about waiting and trausting - always the difficult bit for me too!

    1. Thank you! Yes, sometimes it is so hard to wait and trust, but His way is best. Blessings to you!

  3. Welcome back to blogging, and praying that your dedication to writing pays off! Visiting from FMF#10

  4. writing takes commitment for sure doesn't it? Whether weekly on a blog or writing a book. I hope your books do well for you. FMF11

    1. Yes, for sure! Thank you. I do hope the books will be a source of encouragement to whoever reads them. Blessings to you!


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