Someday: Pipedream or Reality?


We all have ideas of what we’d like our “someday” to be – getting that book published, finding our dream job, having an organized home with no clutter, etc. Someday is the word prompt for #FiveMinuteFriday. (I’m sure I took longer than 5 minutes).

One of the first things that came to mind was a song from a Disney movie – Someday My Prince Will Come. Well, we all know there is no such thing on earth as a prince that will fulfill all our dreams. With a human being, it is not possible. We are all flawed, and when we look to other humans to satisfy our longings we will always be disappointed. Sure, we may be able to encourage and lift each other, but we can never fulfill all the needs of one another.

Only God can fulfill our every need. He will never fail, and His love will never end. Because He loves us and knows what is best for us, He doesn’t always give us what we think we want. Yet, He always does what is best for us even if we don’t understand it at the time.

And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians4:19

In our present life, we will have trials, and things won’t always work out the way we want. There are sorrows; we grieve for lost loved ones; we lose a job; maybe a chronic illness hits us. There are innumerable burdens and trials any one of us could have. Yet in all these things we can have peace and know that God is walking with us through each trial. 


They refused to bow down to the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar and said they would never bow down. So, in a rage he had them bound and thrown into a furnace. The fire from the furnace was so hot it killed the men who threw them into it. Surely the three men would not survive or would they? 

(You can read the whole story in Daniel3).

Do you remember what happened?

24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in alarm. He said to his advisers, “Didn’t we throw three men, bound, into the fire?”

“Yes, of course, Your Majesty,” they replied to the king.

25 He exclaimed, “Look! I see four men, not tied, walking around in the fire unharmed; and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

26 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the door of the furnace of blazing fire and called, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you servants of the Most High God—come out!” So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the fire. Daniel3:24-26

The same God that protected those three young men is the same God who watches over us today. Through Jesus, we can have hope now as we look forward to the future “Someday” when Jesus returns and makes all things new.


Someday may not come
In the way that you expect
Yet someday will come

Will it be happy,
Or will it come with sorrow?
What can we expect?

We wish for someday
Forgetting we have today
Until it is gone

Why wish for someday
Hoping a dream will come true
What if it doesn’t?

Don’t wish for someday
Be content with what you have
Find joy in each day

Do not lose your hope
If a tragic someday comes
Hold on to the Lord

One Someday is sure
God will wipe away our tears
With His loving hand

Joy will fill our hearts
With Jesus, we will be, for
All eternity

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. 1Peter 1:3-4

I’m linking up with: #FiveMinuteFriday, #LetsHaveCoffee


  1. I really hope God has a sense of humour.

    Someday my Prince is coming;
    will he be a Prince of Whales,
    with a mighty dorsal fin
    and horizontal tails?
    Or will it be a singing Prince
    that comes along instead?
    That would be a longshot since
    that poor darn dude is dead.
    Or perhaps a Prince of Peas
    from Veggie Tales, no less,
    'cause shunning veggies now must cease
    because they are the very best
    food to ensure mental bliss,
    and prevent one writing poems like this.

    1. Andrew, you crack me up! LOL I'm sure God has a sense of humor. Blessings to you and Barb and all the animals!

  2. I love your poem Gayl! I'm so glad you took a little longer than 5 minutes so that ws could read these encouraging words. And your photo s

    1. Sorry I hit reply too soon! Your photo stirs up such peace & contentment! Love & hugs dear sister!

    2. Thanks so much, Bettie! I'm glad you like it. Thank you for all your encouragement, dear sister! Blessings, love, and hugs to you! xoxo

  3. Encouraging post and poem. Loved "We wish for someday Forgetting we have today Until it is gone."
    (Your FMF neighbor this week, #14)

    1. Thanks so much! Glad you were encouraged. Blessings to you!

  4. Beautiful Gayl! So thankful that our some days and everyday are in control of the One who gives us what we need!

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, I'm am glad I'm not in control but He is! Amen. Blessings to you!

  5. I'm thankful we can trust our "today" and "someday" to Him, Gayl! He is Faithful!

  6. This was an encouraging post and poem.
    "We wish for someday
    Forgetting we have today
    Until it is gone"
    So very true. May we be content in each day for each day we have been given is a gift.

    1. Yes, Joanne, each day really is a gift! Amen to your prayer that we be content and I would add to be thankful. It's not always easy, but God will help us. Blessings to you!


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