
Showing posts from April, 2024

Creatively Engaging with My #oneword, Stillness

CREATIVELY ENGAGING WITH MY #ONEWORD My heart is moved by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; Psalm 45:1a In the #oneword2024 Facebook group, Lisa Burgess reminds us to engage creatively with our chosen words. She gives a variety of suggestions to help us. One suggestion was to write poetry in different styles. Since I wrote an acrostic in my last post, I wanted to pursue other poetry styles. In this post, I will share three different kinds of poetry – limerick, haiku, and a blessing/prayer. LIMERICK One of the suggestions was to write a limerick. Now, most limericks I’ve heard are silly or humorous, so to write one about stillness was quite challenging. I would write a few lines and then scrap it. Nothing seemed to sound quite right. Finally, I came up with one that also reflects some of my thoughts about stillness in the post, A New Look at Stillness . When searching for stillness I found That noises and chaos abound What a joy to find Stillness of a kind That ...

God Cares When You Are Lonely

ARE YOU LONELY? The prompt word for Five Minute Friday this week is lonely . I first tried to write a poem, but I saw it would take more than five minutes. So, I decided to save it to share at the end of the post and just write some thoughts that came to mind as I pondered the word. I'm also scattering a few sunset photos from the evening of April 18, 2024, at Redington Shores, Florida.   What does it mean to be lonely? Sometimes being alone is nice, but that is not the same as being lonely. We were not meant to be loners or completely independent, as illustrated in Ecclesiastes 4:-12 :   Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. Also, if two lie down together, they can keep warm; but how can one person alone keep warm? And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. ...

Finding Stillness While on Vacation

Audio of this post VACATION TIME Every year, we try to make a trip to Florida to visit other family members. Traveling from South Carolina, we mostly like to take backroads. They are in such a contrast to the interstate, which has many lanes and zooming traffic. Though it may take a little longer to reach our destination, we arrive much more relaxed when we travel the country roads. Often, our destination is Redington Shores, Florida, where my husband's siblings gather once a year for a week at the beach. We leave our home a few days early to stop in Jacksonville, FL, to visit my brother and sister-in-law, my aunt, and sometimes a few friends. After Jacksonville, we travel to Brandon, Florida, to visit my other brother and his wife. Finally, we go across Tampa Bay to a condo rented and shared by family members in Redington Shores.  We try to walk every day while at the beach. I love walking barefoot through the sand as we make our way down to the water. We walk along the edge, some...