Creatively Engaging with My #oneword, Stillness

CREATIVELY ENGAGING WITH MY #ONEWORD My heart is moved by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; Psalm 45:1a In the #oneword2024 Facebook group, Lisa Burgess reminds us to engage creatively with our chosen words. She gives a variety of suggestions to help us. One suggestion was to write poetry in different styles. Since I wrote an acrostic in my last post, I wanted to pursue other poetry styles. In this post, I will share three different kinds of poetry – limerick, haiku, and a blessing/prayer. LIMERICK One of the suggestions was to write a limerick. Now, most limericks I’ve heard are silly or humorous, so to write one about stillness was quite challenging. I would write a few lines and then scrap it. Nothing seemed to sound quite right. Finally, I came up with one that also reflects some of my thoughts about stillness in the post, A New Look at Stillness . When searching for stillness I found That noises and chaos abound What a joy to find Stillness of a kind That ...