Creatively Engaging with My #oneword, Stillness


My heart is moved by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; Psalm 45:1a

In the #oneword2024 Facebook group, Lisa Burgess reminds us to engage creatively with our chosen words. She gives a variety of suggestions to help us. One suggestion was to write poetry in different styles. Since I wrote an acrostic in my last post, I wanted to pursue other poetry styles. In this post, I will share three different kinds of poetry – limerick, haiku, and a blessing/prayer.


One of the suggestions was to write a limerick. Now, most limericks I’ve heard are silly or humorous, so to write one about stillness was quite challenging. I would write a few lines and then scrap it. Nothing seemed to sound quite right. Finally, I came up with one that also reflects some of my thoughts about stillness in the post, A New Look at Stillness.

When searching for stillness I found
That noises and chaos abound
What a joy to find
Stillness of a kind
That didn’t mean absence of sound


Haiku is one of my favorite styles of poetry, so I wrote several using my #oneword. The first two are stand-alone poems:

Stillness evades me
Until I explore nature
Free and full of hope

Out on my porch swing
Observing and listening
Stillness is easy

The following is a two-stanza haiku:

Searching for respite
From clutter and endless chores
I go for a walk

Nature beckons me
Look up and worship the Lord
There I find stillness



Lord, as I search for stillness
May I find a place
Where I can pour out my heart
To You, my refuge

In this moment of stillness,
Lord, I ask for peace
As I read your Word and pray
I ask for guidance

Lord, when I am overwhelmed
May I find stillness
A time to connect with You
Deep within my heart

Remind me You are with me
Through all the trials
May I know the stillness that
Only You can give

He stilled the storm to a whisper, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Psalm 107:29

I'm linking up with the #onewordApril2024, #TellHisStory


  1. Thank you Gayl, for sharing your poetry and photos. They truly do bring a sense of stillness to this stormy world. Thank the Lord for the way He has created beauty to still our hearts. Love & prayers dear poet/sister/friend!

    1. Thank you, dear Bettie. Yes, the Lord has created so much beauty and gives us ways to be creative. You are always so encouraging to me. I'm glad God made our paths meet. Blessings, love and prayers to you, too, my dear poet/sister/friend! xo

  2. Nature draws our hearts in stillness to be near the Creator, Gayl. And I am agreeing with your lovely prayer.


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