Someday: Pipedream or Reality?

PIPEDREAM OR REALITY We all have ideas of what we’d like our “someday” to be – getting that book published, finding our dream job, having an organized home with no clutter, etc. Someday is the word prompt for #FiveMinuteFriday . (I’m sure I took longer than 5 minutes). One of the first things that came to mind was a song from a Disney movie – Someday My Prince Will Come. Well, we all know there is no such thing on earth as a prince that will fulfill all our dreams. With a human being, it is not possible. We are all flawed, and when we look to other humans to satisfy our longings we will always be disappointed. Sure, we may be able to encourage and lift each other, but we can never fulfill all the needs of one another. Only God can fulfill our every need. He will never fail, and His love will never end. Because He loves us and knows what is best for us, He doesn’t always give us what we think we want. Yet, He always does what is best for us even if we don’t understand it at the ti...