Finding Stillness through Photographs and More


Stillness is hard to come by these days. It seems there is always something to think about or attend to. Things have happened that try to disrupt my peace and have somewhat succeeded when I dwelt on them. Yet, when I turned my focus back to God and what Jesus went through for me, my trials didn’t seem so bad after all. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not easy to deal with some of these issues, but I believe what this scripture tells us:

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28).

We may think we don't have time for stillness because of pressing issues. In an earlier post, I talked about finding stillness in different ways. In that post, I said, “I believe we can have a sense of calmness and tranquility without silence and with movement.” Of course, that doesn’t discount the fact that sometimes it does mean being still and quiet. 

In our #oneword2024 Facebook group, Lisa encouraged us to take photos of things that remind us of our word. So, I looked for things that could cover the calmness - with and without movement. Each photo reminds me of stillness though not all in the same way. Maybe they will help bring some calm to your day as you look at them.


The first picture is of Mimosa tree flowers. They are beautiful, but the trees can be very invasive. They are cropping up in different places on our property. To me, they are a picture of beautiful stillness. They don’t have to do anything to evoke a sense of calmness as I look at them in awe of their beauty. God has created so many amazing plants.

This second picture is of our nearly 10-year-old Maine Coon cat named Sebastian. He seems regal as he sits almost as if he posed for the picture. (In reality, it took several tries to get a picture of him facing me). He is not always still, but he does enjoy sleeping in a lap. 

This third picture is a Bombay cat named Smokey, who was a stray that came to live with us a few years ago. I think he's about three. He's curious but he also loves to take naps. His coat is so sleek and soft and he loves to have his tummy rubbed. (I thought only dogs liked that.) Both cats can be quite active, but there are plenty of times when they are still. 


This next photo might have you scratching your head wondering how it could remind me of stillness. Well, remember my alternate definition of the word? In this case, stillness would be taking time away from the busyness for relaxation and recreation. Have you ever heard of the game, Qwirkle? It uses square tiles with different shapes and colors to be arranged in certain ways. I love how every time we play we end up with a unique design. Here's a photo showing some of the designs made as my husband and I played.

Sometimes playing a game is just the kind of "stillness" we need. I'm sure you could think of your own alternative ways to practice some stillness in your day. In another previous post, I used poetry to be creative with my one-word.

I love to sit beside water whether it be a lake or stream or even at the beach. There is something about water that is calming and refreshing, though water does have its rough times, too. This next photo is not recent but it reminds me of stillness. I used my phone camera to take the picture, then wrote the poem when we were on vacation at a lake in Maine. 

How about you? Can you take time for stillness today? When you do, feel free to share in the comments how you find stillness.

I'm linking up with: #oneword2024, #LetsHaveCoffee


  1. Dear Gayl, I love your photos that speak of stillness! What a blessing to look at God's creation and see His gifts. And this touched me so much today too:

    Things have happened that try to disrupt my peace and have somewhat succeeded when I dwelt on them. Yet, when I turned my focus back to God and what Jesus went through for me, my trials didn’t seem so bad after all. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not easy to deal with some of these issues, but I believe what this scripture tells us:

    We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28).

    Truly,our Saviour has gone thru so much for us! May I rest in stillness, trusting Him today too. Love & hugs dear friend!

    1. Dear Bettie, thank you so much for your thoughts. Yes, He really has gone through a lot for us. May we remember to take time for stillness every day to think of the Lord and His goodness to us. Blessings and love to you, dear sister! xoxo

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Gayl.
    It's P.j., and you know the struggles I myself have been through this past week. I love what your topic is: Stillness. It's sometimes hard to find in our busy world. But if we're intentional about it, making time to get off the roller coaster of life, and just be still, we gain so much, it's a wonder we don't make time for it more often. I've been in a kind of forced stillness, having been injured, and this has made me stop and appreciate how God truly does make all things work together for our good. I love you! ❤️

    1. Yes, it really takes being intentional to find those times of stillness, doesn't it? But when we do we feel so much better, just getting off that "roller coaster" for a while. I'm praying for you, dear sister. I love you! xoxo

  3. Gayl, I love your photos and the way you linked them to stillness. The cats are adorable, and that game looks like fabulous fun! I agree, finding time for recreation brings stillness to our busy worlds. I love sitting beside water of any kind, too. We have a small pond feature in our backyard with water trickling down autumn leaves into a little fountain pool. You'll often find me there on summer evenings!

    1. Thank you, Donna! I love hearing about your pond feature with a little fountain pool. It sounds like a wonderful place for stillness on those summer evenings. Blessings to you!

  4. Focusing on God gives us the clarity we need to be still. Thanks for this reminder. Many blessings to you!

    1. Yes, it's important to remind ourselves to focus on Him when it's so tempting to focus on everything else. Yet, He is our strength and refuge. Blessings to you!

  5. Gayl, I love how this post represents stillness in various ways. It's interesting to me that stillness can be experienced differently on any given day and to any person. As I sat reading your post through a second time, it brought to mind the verse, "He leads me beside still waters." Perhaps as we follow the leading of the Lord, He knows exactly the stillness we need each day. Perhaps He intends all along for us to depend on Him to show us. I loved this post. :)

    1. Thank you, Joanne! It's true that stillness can be different for any person on any given day. I love the verse that came to your mind. Truly He does lead us beside "still waters" as we follow Him. I'm glad you loved the post. I appreciate your encouraging comments. Blessings to you!

  6. It worked! I did feel more stillness just by looking at your photos, Gayl. :) You have such a great eye for beauty (and stillness). I've not heard of Quirkle but it sounds like a game my husband and I would enjoy too. Thanks for sharing this at our One Word linkup!

    1. Yay, I'm glad it worked, Lisa! Thank you so much for your encouraging comments. Yes, you should look into Qwirkle. It really is a run game! Blessings to you!


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